Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Plymouth Barbie

Please check out Plymouth Barbie's Beauty Spot! She looks like she could be Lady Gaga's sister. If ya didn't know I love Lady Gaga. Basically this chick is really hott lol. Her blog is beautiful. She tagged my blog :) and I'm extremely flattered. Check out her blog! http://plymouthbarbie.blogspot.com/2010/11/my-first-blog-award.html
We have the same last name. :) This was one of fifteen tagged for her time to tag this blog award. I thought this was really sweet because my blog is still pretty new. So thankyou, JO!
XO Emily Anne Woods.

♥ Jo Woods 


  1. Thanks Emily :) Your blog is awesome. Haha, how cool we have the same last name xxx

  2. Hey congrats!! Lovely blog honey...Check out mine.
